Roof Ice dams on roofs are caused by a combination of snow, ice, and temperature differences that usually occur with heavy ice and snow and are usually not due to a faulty roof installation or even indicate a roof problem and may not be covered under any warranty. Poor attic insulation, loss of heat, and poor ventilation is usually the main reasons as well as clogged gutters. Ice dams can form at the edge of your roof, roof valleys, and low-pitched areas or any area that snow and ice may not melt therefore prevent the melting snow from not draining properly. Once it warms up, you may have noticed that the ice/snow has mostly melted on your roof but may still be at the roof edges, valleys, low-pitched roof areas, or even areas that may accumulate a lot of snow and ice such as roof valleys. Ice damming can damage the gutters, as well as shingles and interior walls and ceilings, so no matter if you have an older roof or a newer roof, ice dams may cause your roof to leak. The images and video link below will help you further understand ice damming and why it happens as well as some tips to help prevent ice damming.
(Areas that are most likely to form ice dams)
(What can be done to help with roof ice dam prevention)
Archway Home Repairs Inc. Roofing & Gutters
1294 Reisliing Lane, Pevely, Missouri 63070, United States
Office# 636-475-3835 | Email
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